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Obiettivi generali progetto


GENERAL OBJECTIVES: 1. To raise awareness of the importance of Europe's cultural heritage through education, lifelong learning, informal and non-formal learning, 2. To share experiences about how community service can be evaluated and included in each school curriculum. 3. To reduce the gap between schools and social entities. 4. To create a Community Service European team work (teachers and students) and increase each school European dimension. 5. To disseminate the project. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES RELATED TO STUDENTS' PARTICIPATION: 6. To help students become more active members in their own community but also in other schools communities. 7. To improve student personal and social development. 8. To increase student participation in Community Services. 9. To use English as the working language.

From September 2019 - June 2021 Evaluating School Social Engagement is a two-year project involving three institutions of higher education with experience and interest in this methodology. About the participants, they are from Belgium, Italy and Spain. It will be directly involved through LTT activities 21 people: 7 people in each country (5 students, 2 teachers). Also, 6 members of staff directly involved in the project activities in each country. 18 people in total. We can estimate approximately 300 people in 3 countries directly benefiting of the project. - BELGIUM SCHOOL TEAM: Coordinator of the Charity Event and good use of Twinspace and its dissemination in an European sphere. - ITALIAN SCHOOL TEAM: Coordinator of the creation of Free E-book and the contents and evaluation materials. - SPANISH SCHOOL TEAM: Coordinator of the project itself, the dissemination plan and the inclusion of Community Service in school curriculum as a part of the Educational Plan of each Center.

CONCRETE RESULTS A. Creation of an European team work that write a basic document to implement and evaluate Community Service in an European high school. B. The increase of students who take part in Community Service in school (students from each school level, not only the highest or participating ones). C. An open Twinspace with all the evidences before, during and after the mobility. D. Creation, uploading and dissemination of the final project (free e-book). E. Organisation of a Charity Event. F. Youth Pass certification.


PRESS (Settegiorni, 20.09.2019)